Grace looks like JH saying to me, "we got every right to trust in God" when I had just said, "y'all have every right to be mad."
Grace looks like a fight over a place to sit being self-resolved with a hug.
Grace looks like clean underwear and clean socks and a clean t-shirt.

On this Maundy Thursday, where Jesus broke bread with his people and encouraged us to wash each other's feet, I invite you. I invite you to be givers of grace. I invite you to be receivers of grace.
If you're sitting at home and feeling the gut-wrenching need to give grace today, my people need underwear, socks, and t-shirts.
If you're sitting at home and feeling the longing in your spirit to receive grace, listen to the words of JH above.
Details for how you can help are in the comments below or visit to make a financial gift.
If you decide to send something, please let me know so I can keep my eyes open but more importantly so I can thank you properly.
Peace and Love on this holiest and servant-hearted days.