10:00am(ish) Fellowship
11:00am(ish) Worship
12:00pm(ish) Community Meal
502 N. Broad Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27101
Sunday is the most inaccessible day for our community in Winston-Salem. The public buses don’t run until mid-afternoon, and even then on limited routes; the public library has a late opening and early closing; the weekday soup kitchens are closed; day shelters are limited.
Working to recast the narrative of welcome on Sunday mornings for our community in Winston-Salem, The Dwelling meets each Sunday around God's holy table to feed people both physically and spiritually. Knowing the holiness of food, we gather for fellowship beginning at 10:00am with with a light breakfast being donated/provided/served/made by partner churches, friends, and organizations. Worship begins at 11:00ish (we roll with the Spirit!) and then share a community meal following the final blessing.
Whether a traditional gospel hymn, contemporary favorite, spoken word poetry, or even extended silence, our worship reflects the diversity of the people gathered. We believe that all in our community are leaders of this gathering and their voices add to who we are as a community of faith. We sing together. We pray together. We hear God's word proclaimed together. And we gather at God's table together.
The point being- our worship together at The Dwelling is daily bread reaching real places of hunger.